The Eye On Lobbying website is Wisconsin's website for public disclosure of lobbying activities required by Wisconsin Statues Chapter 13 subchapter III, as well as for lobbying principal registration, lobbyist licensing and authorization, lobbying activity and expenditures reporting, and state agency legislative liaison reporting.
The Eye On Lobbying site includes information on lobbying activity from the current legislative session going back to the 2003-2004 Legislative Session. The site allows anyone to view things such as the most lobbied bills or most active lobbying principals, as well as which organizations have lobbied on each bill, budget bill subject, administrative rule, or topic (matters not yet introduced). You do not need to created a username or password in order to view this information. Lobbying activity information prior to 2003 is available in paper reports at the State of Wisconsin Historical Society.
The Wisconsin Ethics Commission also offers a subscription notification service through Eye on Lobbying called FOCUS, which provides a daily email summary of activities related to a user’s lobbying interests. FOCUS is open to anyone that wishes to have a subscription. A username, password, and fee payment are required for the subscription service.
Members of the public looking to view lobbying information, state agency legislative liaison reports, and details about
FOCUS - please visit our
View Lobbying Reports page.
Lobbyists & Lobbying Organizations: Report Activity
Organizations attempting to influence the Legislature (known as principals) must register with the Commission. Lobbyists with duties not exclusively limited to lobby on a principal's behalf must obtain a lobbying license and authorization starting on the fifth day of lobbying communication within a six month reporting period (January-June and July-December). Lobbyists with duties exclusive to lobbying must obtain a lobbying license and authroization prior to any lobbying communications taking place. Registration, licensing, and reporting is not required for less than five days of communication within a six month reporting period. After the fifth day of communication, the organization must register as a principal and any initial contact on legislative action must be reported to the Ethics Commission within fifteen days of that contact through a 15-Day Report. Additionally, Statements of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures (SLAEs) are due semi-annually for all registered principals, regardless of activity level.
The Wisconsin Ethics Commission also offers a subscription notification service through Eye on Lobbying called FOCUS, which provides a daily email summary of activities related to a user’s lobbying interests. One subscription lasts for an entire two-year legislative session, including special and extraordinary sessions. FOCUS allows you to choose to receive notifications based on keywords, statute chapters and sections, bills, budget bill subjects, administrative rules, and principals. FOCUS also automatically adds to your notifications any legislative matter you have reported through 15-day reporting.
Principals and lobbyists - please visit our
Reporting Lobbying Activity page for more information about reporting requirements,
FOCUS, and access to user guides.
State Agencies Influencing Legislation: Agency Liaisons
State agencies with responsibilities to the legislature are also required to file semi-annual reports disclosing information about employees (state agency liaisons) whose regular duties include attempting to influence legislative action. State agency liaison reports include the names of the liaisons, title, salary, proportionate time spent on legislative activity, and areas of legislative action they are attempting to influence.
State Agency Liaisons and agency admistrative staff - please visit the
State Agency Liaisons page for information about reporting requirements and access to user guides.
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