| | 1/18/2018 2:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Communication | Agency Information | _BrianBell_EthicsCommissionAdministrator_20180117.pdf | _BrianBell_EthicsCommissionAdministrator_20180117 |
| | 4/17/2017 11:34 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 00_02_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 00-02 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/17/2017 11:34 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 00_03_LobbyingOfficalAndContracts.pdf | 00-03 Lobbying, Offical and Contracts |
| | 4/17/2017 11:35 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 00_04_Local Code_DisqualificationRecusal.pdf | 00-04 Local Code - Disqualification, Recusal |
| | 4/17/2017 11:35 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 00-01OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 00-01 OpElBd - Withdrawn |
| | 11/26/2019 2:00 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 00-02OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | Corps, Pacs and Coordination. Scope of Regulation Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 11:37 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 01_02_GiftsAndImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 01-02 Gifts and Improper Use of Office |
| | 6/8/2017 12:37 PM | Divine, David J - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 01-01OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | Record and Reporting Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 11:38 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 02_01_Local CodeDisqualification.pdf | 02-01 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/17/2017 11:39 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 02_02_LocalCodeDisqualificationRecusal.pdf | 02-02 Local Code Disqualification Recusal |
| | 4/17/2017 11:39 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 02_03_LobbyingAndProhibitions.pdf | 02-03 Lobbying and Prohibitions |
| | 4/17/2017 11:42 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 02_04_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 02-04 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/17/2017 11:42 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 02_05_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 02-05 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/17/2017 11:42 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 02_06_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 02-06 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/17/2017 11:43 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 02_07_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 02-07 Local Code Disqualification |
| | 11/27/2019 8:27 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 02_08_LobbyingLaw_ImproperUseOfOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 02-08 Lobbying Law and Improper Use Of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/14/2017 10:43 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 02-06OpEthBd.pdf | 02-06 Op Eth Bd |
| | 4/17/2017 11:48 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_01_ImproperUseOfOfficeGiftsMealsTravel.pdf | 03-01 Improper Use of Office, Gifts, Meals, Travel |
| | 4/17/2017 11:49 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 03_02_OfficalsCompensationAndEmployment.pdf | 03-02 Officals, Compensation and Employment |
| | 4/17/2017 11:49 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_03_ImproperUseOfOfficeFeesAndHonorarium.pdf | 03_03_Improper Use of Office, Fees and Honorarium |
| | 10/21/2020 1:33 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_04_ImproperUseofOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-04 Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 11:49 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_04_UseOfOfficeReimbursement.pdf | 03_04_Use of Office, Reimbursement |
| | 11/27/2019 8:30 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 03_05_ImproperUseOfOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-05 Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 8:32 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 03_06_SolicitationAndLobbyists_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-06 Solicitation and Lobbyists Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 11:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_07_StatementOfEconomicInterests.pdf | 03-07 Statement of Economic Interests |
| | 10/21/2020 1:34 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_08_LocalCode_Disqualification_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-08 Local Code - Disqualification Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 11:53 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_09_Local CodeDisqualificationAbstentionConflictOfInterest.pdf | 03-09 Local Code - Disqualification, Abstention, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/17/2017 11:54 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_09a_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 03-09a Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 11/27/2019 8:34 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 03_10 _ImproperUseOfOfficeAndReporting_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-10 Improper Use of Office and Reporting Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 11:59 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_11_ImproperUseOfOfficeSolicitation.pdf | 03-11 Improper Use of Office, Solicitation |
| | 4/17/2017 11:59 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_12_PostEmploymentActivity.pdf | 03-12 Post Employment Activity |
| | 4/17/2017 12:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_13_LocalCodeCommissionOpinionsConfidentiality.pdf | 03-13 Local Code - Commission Opinions, Confidentiality |
| | 11/27/2019 8:36 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 03_14_RegistrationReportingAndAmericanIndianTribes_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-14 Registration, Reporting, and American Indian Tribes Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 03_15_ImproperUseOfOfficeAndEmployment.pdf | 03-15 Improper Use of Office and Employment |
| | 4/17/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 03_15_LobbyistsImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 03-15 Lobbyists, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/17/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_16_LocalCodeInfluencingOfficalJudgment.pdf | 03-16 Local Code - Influencing Offical Judgment |
| | 4/17/2017 12:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 03_17_LocalCodeDisqaulificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 03-17 Local Code - Disqaulification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/17/2017 12:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 03-01OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 03-01 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 3/20/2019 11:56 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04 Op. Eth Bd 103 (1981).pdf | 04 Op. Eth Bd 103 (1981) |
| | 4/17/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04_01_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 04_01_Improper Use of Office |
| | 11/27/2019 8:39 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 04_02_LobbyingGrantsImproperUseOfOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 04-02 Lobbying, Grants, Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04_04_ImproperUseOfOffice_Lobbyists.pdf | 04-04 Improper Use of Office, Lobbyists |
| | 4/17/2017 12:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 04_04_ImproperUseOfOfficeAndConflict.pdf | 04-04 Improper Use of Office and Conflict |
| | 4/17/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04_05_LocalCodeImproperUseofOfficeConflictofInterest.pdf | 04-05 Local Code - Improper Use of Office, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/17/2017 12:09 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04_06_ImproperUseofOffice_Disqualification_EmploymentConflictingwithDuties.pdf | 04-06 Improper Use of Office, Disqualification, Employment Conflicting with Duties |
| | 4/17/2017 12:10 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04_06Supplemental_Disqaulification_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 04_06 Supplemental Disqaulification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/17/2017 12:10 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 04_07_LobbyingReimbursementAndAgencyActivity.pdf | 04-07 Lobbying, Reimbursement and Agency Activity |
| | 4/17/2017 12:11 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 04_08_EmploymentConflictingWithOfficalDuties.pdf | 04-08 Employment Conflicting with Offical Duties |
| | 4/17/2017 12:11 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 04_08_EmploymentConflictingWithOfficalDutiesLobbyist.pdf | 04-08 Employment Conflicting with Offical Duties, Lobbyist |
| | 4/17/2017 12:11 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 04_3OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 04-3 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 3/20/2019 11:55 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05 Op. Eth Bd 59 (1981).pdf | 05 Op. Eth Bd 59 (1981) |
| | 3/20/2019 11:54 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05 Op. Eth Bd 65 (1981).pdf | 05 Op. Eth Bd 65 (1981) |
| | 3/20/2019 11:54 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05 Op. Eth Bd 89 (1982).pdf | 05 Op. Eth Bd 89 (1982) |
| | 11/27/2019 8:41 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 05_01_LobbyingAnd501c4_Withdrawn.pdf | 05-01 Lobbying and 501c4 Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 12:12 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05_02_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 05-02 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/17/2017 12:12 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05_03_PublicContracts.pdf | 05-03 Public Contracts |
| | 4/17/2017 12:13 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05_04_LocalCodeConflictOfInterestDisqualification.pdf | 05-04 Local Code - Conflict of Interest, Disqualification |
| | 4/10/2018 11:33 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05_05_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 05-05 Local Code - Conflict of Interest, Disqualification |
| | 3/1/2018 11:56 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 05_06_OfficalsEmployment_WITHDRAWN.pdf | 05_06_OfficalsEmployment_WITHDRAWN |
| | 4/17/2017 12:14 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 05_07_Lobbyist and Officals, Rent.pdf | 05-07 Lobbyist and Officals, Rent |
| | 4/17/2017 12:20 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 05_08_LobbyingOfficalsCandidatesAndEmployment.pdf | 05-08 Lobbying, Officals, Candidates and Employment |
| | 4/17/2017 12:21 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05_09_FeesAndHonorariums.pdf | 05-09 Fees and Honorariums |
| | 10/21/2020 1:19 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 05_10_MealsLodgingTravelandEntertainment_Withdrawn.pdf | 05-10 Meals, Lodging, Travel, and Entertainment Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 8:44 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 06_02_LobbyingPrincipalAndContributions_Withdrawn.pdf | 06-02 Lobbying, Principal, and Contributions Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 12:23 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 06_03_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 06-03 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/17/2017 12:24 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 06_04_OfficalsGiftsAndEducationalMaterial.pdf | 06-04 Officals, Gifts and Educational Material |
| | 10/21/2020 1:20 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, State Candidates | Opinion | Ethics | 06_05_Gifts_Withdrawn.pdf | 06-05 Gifts Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 8:46 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 06_06_FeesHonorariumGifts_Withdrawn.pdf | 06-06 Fees, Honorarium, and Gifts Withdrawn |
| | 7/13/2017 11:23 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 06_07_OfficalsAndCompenstation.pdf | 06-07 Officials and Compensation |
| | 4/17/2017 12:25 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 06_08_OffcialsCompenstationAndEmployment.pdf | 06-08 Offcials, Compenstation and Employment |
| | 11/27/2019 8:47 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 06_09_RegistrationAndReporting_Withdrawn.pdf | 06-09 Registration and Reporting Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:56 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 06-01OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 06-01 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 5:48 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_01_GiftsMealsLodgingAndTravel.pdf | 07-01 Gifts, Meals, Lodging and Travel |
| | 4/17/2017 5:48 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_02_Disqualification.pdf | 07-02 Disqualification |
| | 4/17/2017 5:48 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_03_DisqualificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 07-03 Disqualification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/17/2017 5:49 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_04_PostEmployment.pdf | 07-04 Post Employment |
| | 4/17/2017 5:49 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_05_Disqualification.pdf | 07-05 Disqualification |
| | 11/27/2019 8:49 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 07_07_LobbyistsAndImproperUseOfOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 07-07 Lobbyists and Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 8:50 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 07_08_GiftsMealsLodgingTravel_Withdrawn.pdf | 07-08 Gifts, Meals, Lodging, and Travel Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 5:51 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_09_LocalCodeDisqualificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 07-09 Local Code - Disqualification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/17/2017 5:51 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_10_DisqualificationSpouseActivity.pdf | 07-10 Disqualification, Spouse Activity |
| | 4/17/2017 5:51 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 07_11_CandidatesOfficalsAndCampaignActivity.pdf | 07-11 Candidates, Officals and Campaign Activity |
| | 10/21/2020 1:23 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_12_GiftsImproperUseofOfficeWithdrawn.pdf | 07-12 Gifts; Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/17/2017 5:52 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 07_13_PostEmployment.pdf | 07-13 Post Employment |
| | 11/27/2019 8:53 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 07_14_LobbyingOfficialsMembershipActivity_Withdrawn.pdf | 07-14 Lobbying and Officials Membership Activity Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:35 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 07_6OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 07-6 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 3/20/2019 11:54 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 08 Op. Eth Bd 33 (1985).pdf | 08 Op. Eth Bd 33 (1985) |
| | 4/18/2017 8:57 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 08__07_LocalCode-ImproperUseOfOffice-Lobbyists.pdf | 08-_07 Local Code - Improper Use Of Office - Lobbyists |
| | 4/18/2017 9:47 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 08_02_Disqualification.pdf | 08-02 Disqualification |
| | 4/18/2017 8:58 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 08_04_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 08-04 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 8:58 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 08_05_FeesAndHonorariumLobbyists.pdf | 08-05 Fees and Honorarium, Lobbyists |
| | 4/18/2017 8:59 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 08_05_GiftsOfficalsAndJudges.pdf | 08-05 Gifts, Officals and Judges |
| | 4/18/2017 8:36 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 08_06_Withdrawn.pdf | 08-06 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:59 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 08_07_ImproperUseOfOfficeDiscounts.pdf | 08-07 Improper Use of Office - Discounts |
| | 4/18/2017 8:36 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 08_08_Withdrawn.pdf | 08-08 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:59 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 08_09_DisqualificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 08-09 Disqualification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 8:37 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 09_01_Withdrawn.pdf | 09-01 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:48 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 09_02_Disqualification.pdf | 09-02 Disqualification |
| | 4/18/2017 8:37 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 09_03_Withdrawn.pdf | 09-03 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:48 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 09_04_LocalCodeDisqualificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 09-04 Local Code - Disqualification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 5/2/2019 9:43 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 10_01_OfficialsAndLegalAdvice.pdf | 10-01 Officials and Legal Advice |
| | 4/18/2017 8:37 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 10_02_Withdrawn.pdf | 10-02 Withdrawn |
| | 3/20/2019 11:53 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 11 Op. Eth Bd 9 (1989).pdf | 11 Op. Eth Bd 9 (1989) |
| | 4/18/2017 8:38 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 11_01_Withdrawn.pdf | 11-01 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:38 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 11_02.pdf | 11-02 |
| | 8/21/2019 1:34 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Local Candidates, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | 1201-StatePublicOfficialConduct.pdf | ETH-1201 State Public Official Conduct |
| | 8/21/2019 1:35 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | 1202- LocalPublicOfficialConduct.pdf | ETH-1202 Local Public Official Conduct |
| | 8/21/2019 1:37 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Other Persons | Guideline | Ethics | 1217-ReceiptOfItemsandServicesNon-SPO.pdf | ETH-1217 Receipt of Items and Services by Non State Public Officials |
| | 9/24/2019 9:26 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | 1219-ReceiptOfItemsAndServicesByLocalOfficials.pdf | ETH-1219 Receipt Of Items And Services By Local Officials |
| | 8/21/2019 1:38 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Officials Required to File, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | 1220-TicketsAndAccessToSkyboxes.pdf | ETH-1220 Tickets And Access To Skyboxes |
| | 8/21/2019 1:38 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1222-AttendingConferences.pdf | ETH-1222 Attending Conferences |
| | 8/21/2019 1:39 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1233-Nepotism.pdf | ETH-1233 Nepotism |
| | 8/21/2019 1:39 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1234-TelephoneCalls.pdf | ETH-1234 Telephone Calls |
| | 8/21/2019 1:39 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1235-DispositionOfGifts.pdf | ETH-1235 Disposition Of Gifts |
| | 8/21/2019 1:39 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1236-RepresentationOfClients.pdf | ETH-1236 Representation Of Clients |
| | 8/21/2019 1:39 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1237-InvitingOfficialsToAttendStateAgencySponsoredEvents.pdf | ETH-1237 Inviting Officials To Attend State Agency Sponsored Events |
| | 8/21/2019 1:40 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1238-PostEmployment.pdf | ETH-1238 Post Employment |
| | 8/21/2019 1:41 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1239-LameDuckTravel.pdf | ETH-1239 Lame Duck Travel |
| | 8/21/2019 1:41 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1244-LettersOfReference.pdf | ETH-1244 Letters Of Reference |
| | 8/21/2019 1:41 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1247-Scheduling.pdf | ETH-1247 Scheduling |
| | 8/21/2019 1:42 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, Political Parties, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Campaign Finance, Ethics | 1249-CampaignFundraising.pdf | ETH-1249 Campaign Fundraising |
| | 8/21/2019 1:42 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, Political Parties, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Campaign Finance, Ethics | 1252-Campaigning-LegislativeStaff.pdf | ETH-1252 Campaigning-Legislative Staff |
| | 8/21/2019 1:42 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, Political Parties, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Campaign Finance, Ethics | 1255-Candidates.pdf | ETH-1255 Candidates |
| | 8/21/2019 1:42 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, Political Parties, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Campaign Finance, Ethics | 1257-AttendingPrivateEvents.pdf | ETH-1257 Attending Private Events |
| | 8/21/2019 1:42 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1260-OfficiatingWeddings.pdf | ETH-1260 Officiating Weddings |
| | 8/21/2019 1:43 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1281-LegalDefenseFunds.pdf | ETH-1281 Legal Defense Funds |
| | 8/21/2019 1:43 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1283-DeferredProsecutionAgreements.pdf | ETH-1283 Deferred Prosecution Agreements |
| | 4/18/2017 8:47 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 13_02_Withdrawn.pdf | 13-02 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:48 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 14_01_Withdrawn.pdf | 14-01 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:48 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 14_02_Withdrawn.pdf | 14-02 Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 8:48 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 14_03_Withdrawn.pdf | 14-03 Withdrawn |
| | 8/21/2019 1:43 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Officials Required to File, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Guideline | Ethics, SEIs | 1401-SEIs-Who-When-What.pdf | ETH-1401 SEIs: Who, When, What |
| | 8/21/2019 1:43 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | 1422-Trusts-Treatment.pdf | ETH-1422 Treatment of Trusts |
| | 8/21/2019 1:44 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Other Persons | Guideline | Lobbying | 1510-3RsOfLobbying.pdf | ETH-1510 3 R's Of Lobbying |
| | 8/21/2019 1:44 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Other Persons | Guideline | Lobbying | 1511-LicenseToLobby.pdf | ETH-1511 License To Lobby |
| | 8/21/2019 1:44 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Other Persons | Guideline | Lobbying | 1513-RegisterPrincipal.pdf | ETH-1513 Register Principal |
| | 8/21/2019 1:44 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Other Persons | Guideline | Lobbying | 1514-ReportingRequirements.pdf | ETH-1514 Reporting Requirements |
| | 6/16/2017 10:43 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 17-01ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 17-01 Improper Use of Office |
| | 11/8/2017 9:16 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Independent Expenditure Committees | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 17-02_IndependentExpenditureCommittees.pdf | 17-02 Independent Expenditure Committees |
| | 6/22/2020 5:51 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 17-03_CampaignFinance_SegregatedFunds_Revised.pdf | 17-03 Campaign Finance - Segregated Funds - Revised |
| | 8/25/2017 9:51 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 17-04SpendingOnCandidateRecruitment.pdf | 17-04 Spending on Candidate Recruitment |
| | 11/21/2017 12:21 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Local Officials, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | 1718SpecialReportingPeriodNotice.pdf | Special Election Reporting Period Notice |
| | 6/20/2018 11:07 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, State Candidates | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 18-01_UseofCampaignFundsforChildcare.pdf | 18-01 Use of Campaign Funds for Childcare |
| | 6/20/2018 9:19 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 18-02_UseofCFISData.pdf | 18-02 Use of CFIS Data |
| | 12/12/2018 1:57 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 18-03_Applicationof50PieceRuletoAgencyMaterials.pdf | 18-03 Application of 50-Piece Rule to Agency Materials |
| | 8/23/2019 3:56 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 19_02_Legislative_Pledges_and_Candidate_Screening_Processes.pdf | 19-02 Legislative Pledges and Candidate Screening Processes |
| | 4/9/2019 2:57 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 19-01_ServiceonGoverningBoards.pdf | 19-01 Service on Governing Boards |
| | 11/27/2019 10:36 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 1992 Wis Eth Bd 11 Withdrawn.pdf | 92-11 Joint Lobbying Withdrawn |
| | 3/20/2019 11:11 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 2 Op. Eth Bd 58 (1978).pdf | 2 Op. Eth Bd 58 (1978) |
| | 2/25/2020 5:14 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Ethics | 20-01_50-PieceRuleandMixed-UseSocialMediaAccounts.pdf | 20-01 50-Piece Rule and Mixed Use Social Media Accounts |
| | 2/26/2020 8:28 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Opinion | Lobbying | 20-02_DutiesOnBehalfofaPrincipalasExclusiveorNotExclusivetoLobbying.pdf | 20-02 Duties on Behalf of a Principal as Exclusive or Not Exclusive to Lobbying |
| | 2/25/2020 5:20 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 20-03_Applicationof50-PieceRuletoCommwPetitionSignatoriesandNewspaperAds.pdf | 20-03 Application of 50-Piece Rule to Communications with Petition Signatories and Newspaper Advertisements |
| | 6/19/2020 10:11 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbyists, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 20-04_Lobbying_ContributionstoPartisanElectiveStateOfficials.pdf | 20-04 Lobbying - Contributions to Partisan Elective State Officials |
| | 8/20/2020 4:42 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 20-05_LocalEthicsCode_Village_Contracting_w_Company_Employing_Dept_Head_Spouse.pdf | 20-05 Local Ethics Code Village Contracting with Company Employing Department Head Spouse |
| | 10/21/2020 1:43 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 2008_GAB_03_LocalOfficials_Withdrawn.pdf | 2008 GAB 03 Local Officials Withdrawn |
| | 10/21/2020 1:36 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 2013_GAB_01_LocalOfficials_ImproperUseofOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 2013 GAB 01 Local Officials - Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:49 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20160711_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20160711 Meeting Materials |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20160711_Open_Session_Minutes.pdf | 20160711 Open Session Minutes |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20160823_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20160823 MeetingMaterials |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20160823_Open_Session_Minutes.pdf | 20160823 Open Session Minutes |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20161010_Meeting Materials.pdf | 20161010 Meeting Materials |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20161010_Open_Session_Minutes.pdf | 20161010 Open Session Minutes |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20161109_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20161109 Meeting Materials |
| | 4/18/2017 9:50 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20161206_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20161206 Meeting Materials |
| | 4/18/2017 9:51 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Presentation | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Ethics, Lobbying, SEIs, Training | 2016-18LegislativeEmployeesEthicsTraining.pptx | 2016-18 Legislative Employees Ethics Training |
| | 4/18/2017 9:51 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20170307_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20170307 Meeting Materials |
| | 6/6/2017 12:12 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20170607MeetingMaterials.pdf | June 7, 2017 Meeting Materials |
| | 8/23/2017 11:20 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20170822MeetingMaterials.pdf | August 22, 2017 Meeting Materials |
| | 11/22/2017 11:29 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20171205_MeetingMaterials.pdf | December 5, 2017 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 12/21/2017 10:24 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20171222_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20171222_MeetingMaterials_OpenSession |
| | 1/22/2018 5:00 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | 2017-ETH-023 PFOF and Conclusions.pdf | 2017-ETH-023 PFOF and Conclusions |
| | 6/5/2018 12:55 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Campaign Finance | 2018_Fall_Candidate_Contacts.xlsx | 2018_Fall_Candidate_Contacts |
| | 1/10/2018 9:54 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180111_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20180111 Meeting Materials |
| | 1/25/2018 12:01 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180125_OpenSessionMeetingMaterials.pdf | 20180125 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 2/16/2018 10:56 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180227_OpenSessionMaterials.pdf | 20180227 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 4/5/2018 1:21 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180406_MeetingNotice.pdf | 20180406 Meeting Notice |
| | 4/13/2018 11:34 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180424_OpenSessionMaterials.pdf | 20180424 Open Session Materials |
| | 1/29/2020 10:10 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180525_OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | 20180525 Open Session Agenda |
| | 6/8/2018 7:04 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180619_OpenSessionMaterials.pdf | 20180619 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 6/14/2018 3:30 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180619_OPENSessionSupplemental Materials.pdf | 20180619 Open Session Supplemental Materials |
| | 7/13/2018 4:04 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180717_MeetingNotice.pdf | 20180717 Meeting Notice |
| | 7/24/2018 11:52 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180726_MeetingNotice.pdf | 20180726 Commission Meeting Notice |
| | 7/27/2018 10:24 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Other Persons | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180730 Special Meeting Notice.pdf | 20180730_Meeting Notice |
| | 8/14/2018 10:42 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180821_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20180821 Meeting Materials |
| | 9/11/2018 4:10 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20180914_MeetingMaterials.pdf | September 14, 2018 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 12/3/2018 11:42 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20181211_MeetingMaterials.pdf | 20181211_MeetingMaterials |
| | 8/21/2019 1:46 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Legislative Campaign Committees, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | 2018LobbyistPersonalContributionWindowMemo.pdf | Lobbyist Personal Contribution Window 2018 |
| | 3/4/2019 8:27 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20190305_Meeting Materials_update0304.pdf | March 5, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 4/3/2019 11:06 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20190409_Meeting Materials.pdf | April 9, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 6/10/2019 11:29 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20190618_MeetingMaterials.pdf | June 18, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 8/15/2019 1:30 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20190820_MeetingMaterials.pdf | August 20, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 11/6/2019 10:36 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20191113_MeetingMaterials.pdf | November 13, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 11/22/2019 1:57 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20191203_Meeting Materials.pdf | December 3, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 12/13/2019 2:54 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20191219_Meeting Materials.pdf | December 19, 2019 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 1/7/2020 11:30 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200109_MeetingMaterials.pdf | January 9, 2020 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 2/19/2020 8:16 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200225_MeetingMaterials.pdf | February 25, 2020 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 2/19/2020 8:28 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200225_SupplementalMaterials.pdf | February 25, 2020 Open Session Supplemental Materials |
| | 3/16/2020 8:56 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200310_OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | Open Session Agenda 20200310 |
| | 4/17/2020 4:19 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200420_OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | April 20, 2020 Open Session Agenda |
| | 5/6/2020 1:01 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200508_OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | May 8, 2020 Open Session Agenda |
| | 6/9/2020 1:37 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200616_MeetingMaterials.pdf | June 16, 2020 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 8/12/2020 9:38 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200818_MeetingMaterials.pdf | August 18, 2020 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 9/1/2020 4:07 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200903 Meeting Notice.pdf | September 3, 2020 Meeting Notice |
| | 9/10/2020 8:23 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20200910 Supplemental Memo.pdf | 20200910 Supplemental Memo |
| | 12/2/2020 10:43 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20201208 Open Session Materials.pdf | Open Session Materials 20201208 |
| | 5/14/2020 9:13 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public, Legislative Campaign Committees, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates | Communication | Lobbying | 2020LobbyistContributionWindowMemo.pdf | Lobbyist Personal Contribution Window 2020 |
| | 8/27/2020 11:40 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Legislative Campaign Committees, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 2020LobbyistWindowCloseSpecialSession.pdf | Lobbyist Personal Contribution Window Closure for Special Session 2020 |
| | 4/20/2022 12:30 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Communication | Agency Information | 2021 Session Legislative Changes Memorandum.pdf | Memorandum Concerning Newly Enacted Laws (2022) |
| | 2/17/2021 11:42 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20210223_Meeting Materials.pdf | February 23, 2021 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 5/7/2021 2:37 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20210511_Meeting Materials.pdf | May 11, 2021 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 7/16/2021 2:28 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20210727 Open Session Materials.pdf | July 27, 2021 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 12/10/2021 10:36 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20211214_Meeting Materials.pdf | Open Session Materials for December 14, 2021 |
| | 11/30/2020 12:12 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | 20212022RegistrationNewSessionNotice.pdf | Lobbying Registration for the 2021-2022 Legislative Session |
| | 2/19/2021 10:11 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | 2021LobbyingBudgetBillSubjects.pdf | 2021 Lobbying Budget Bill Subjects |
| | 10/14/2022 3:39 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | 2022 Annual Agency Report.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2022 Annual Report |
| | 5/19/2022 2:47 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 2022 Lobbyist Contribution Window Memo.pdf | 2022 Lobbyist Contribution Window Memo |
| | 2/14/2022 11:40 AM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20220216_Meeting Materials.pdf | February 16, 2022 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 6/10/2022 10:55 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20220615 Meeting Materials.pdf | June 15, 2022, Open Session Materials |
| | 8/25/2022 3:14 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20220830_MeetingMaterials Combined.pdf | August 30, 2022 Open Session and Supplemental Meeting Materials |
| | 8/25/2022 2:43 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20220830_MeetingMaterials.pdf | August 30, 2022 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 8/25/2022 1:56 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20220830_Supplemental Meeting Materials.pdf | August 30, 2022 Open Session Supplemental Meeting Materials |
| | 12/8/2022 5:19 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20221213- Meeting Materials.pdf | December 13, 2022 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 6/23/2022 11:38 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 2022LobbyistContributionWindowClosureSpecialSession.pdf | 2022 Lobbyist Personal Contribution Window Closure for Special Session |
| | 6/23/2022 11:22 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 2022LobbyistWindowReopeningforLegCandidates.pdf | 2022 Lobbyist Personal Contribution Window Reopening for Legislative Candidates |
| | 4/18/2022 3:34 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Legislative Campaign Committees, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 2022NonLegislativeCandidateLobbyistContributionWindowMemo.pdf | Non-Legislative Candidate Lobbyist Personal Contribution Window 2022 |
| | 10/16/2023 1:23 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | 2023 Annual Agency Report.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2023 Annual Report |
| | 12/22/2022 3:08 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance, Training | 2023 Campaign Finance Law Update for Local Filing Officers.mp4 | 2023 Campaign Finance Law Update for Local Filing Officers |
| | 1/25/2023 2:59 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying | 2023 Lobbying Best Practices and Overview.pdf | 2023 Lobbying Best Practices and Overview |
| | 12/22/2022 3:26 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying, Training | 2023 Lobbying Overview and Best Practices Recorded Webinar.mp4 | 2023 Lobbying Overview and Best Practices Recorded Webinar |
| | 2/21/2023 8:27 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20230222_Meeting Materials.pdf | February 22, 2023 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 5/1/2023 12:06 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | | 20230509 OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | |
| | 5/4/2023 4:47 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20230509_Meeting Materials.pdf | May 9, 2023 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 8/3/2023 9:37 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20230807_Meeting Materials.pdf | Meeting Materials August 7, 2023 |
| | 10/2/2023 3:06 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20231005 Open Session Meeting Materials.pdf | October 5, 2023 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 10/2/2023 3:37 PM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20231005 OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | 20231005 OpenSessionAgenda |
| | 10/23/2023 11:28 AM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20231026_Meeting Materials.pdf | October 26, 2023 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 11/2/2023 10:00 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20231103 OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | November 3, 2023 Open Session Agenda |
| | 12/8/2023 1:27 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20231212 Open Session Materials.pdf | December 12, 2023 Open Session Materials |
| | 12/1/2022 4:35 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | 20232024LegislativeSessionLobbyingRegistrationOpen.pdf | 2023-2024 Legislative Session Lobbying Registration Open |
| | 2/21/2023 4:38 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | 2023-2025 Biennial Budget Bill Subjects.pdf | 2023-2025 Biennial Budget Bill Subjects |
| | 5/17/2024 3:35 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbyists, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 2024 Lobbyist Contribution Window Memo.pdf | 2024 Lobbyist Contribution Window Memo |
| | 2/8/2024 3:07 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20240212 OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | February 12, 2024 - Open Session Agenda |
| | 2/16/2024 8:14 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20240220 OpenSessionAgenda (1).pdf | February 20, 2024 - Open Session Agenda |
| | 3/21/2024 11:21 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20240322 Open Session Meeting Materials.pdf | Open Session Meeting Materials - March 22, 2024 |
| | 4/9/2024 10:44 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20240410 OpenSessionAgenda.pdf | April 10, 2024 Meeting Notice and Agenda |
| | 7/19/2024 9:08 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20240723 Open Session Materials.pdf | July 23, 2024 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 8/26/2024 9:39 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | 20240828 Open Session Materials.pdf | August 28, 2024 Meeting Materials |
| | 9/13/2024 2:59 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | 20240913 Statement on Temporary Disruption of Ethics Commission Web Resources.pdf | Statement on Ethics Commission Website Disruption - September 13, 2024 |
| | 2/27/2023 9:39 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 22_01_Reporting_of_Joint_Advertisements.pdf | 22-01 Reporting of Joint Advertisements |
| | 3/20/2019 11:12 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 4 Op. Eth Bd 85 (1981).pdf | 4 Op. Eth Bd 85 (1981) |
| | 4/18/2017 9:51 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-10OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-10 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:51 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-11OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-11 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:51 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-15OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-15 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-16OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-16 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-17OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-17 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-2OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-2 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-4OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-4 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-5OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-5 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-6OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-6 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-7OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-7 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 74-9OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 74-9 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:51 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75_8OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75_8OpELBd_Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75-2OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75-2 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:52 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:53 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75-5OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75-5 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:53 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75-6OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75-6 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 9:53 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75-7OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75-7 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 75-8OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 75-8 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-12OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-12 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:02 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-13OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-13 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:02 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-14OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-14 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:02 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-15OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-15 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:02 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-16OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-16 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:02 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-4OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-4 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-5OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-5 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-6OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-6 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 76-7OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 76-7 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 77-10OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 77-10 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 77-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 77-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 77-6OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 77-6 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 77-7OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 77-7 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:03 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 77-9OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 77-9 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-10OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-10 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-11OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-11 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-12OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-12 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-13OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-13 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-15OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-15 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-2OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-2 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-4OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-4 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-5OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-5 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:04 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-6OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-6 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-8OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-8 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 78-9OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 78-9 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 79-2OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 79-2 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 79-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 79-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 79-4OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 79-4 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 79-5OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 79-5 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 80-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 80-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 82-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 82-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 84-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 84-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 86-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 86-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 86-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 86-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 88-3OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 88-3 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 88-4OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 88-4 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 89-1OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 89-1 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 12/2/2022 3:10 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | General Public, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | 8th Senate Special Election - Exec. Order.pdf | Executive Order calling 8th Senate District Special Election |
| | 11/27/2019 9:14 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 91_01_LobbyingAndElectedOfficial_Withdrawn.pdf | 91-01 Lobbying and Elected Official Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 91_02_DisqualificationStatementOfEconomicInterestsUseOfOffice.pdf | 91-02 Disqualification, Statement of Economic Interests, Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 91_03_LobbyingAndElectedOffical.pdf | 91-03 Lobbying and Elected Offical |
| | 4/18/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 91_04_LobbyingAndJudge.pdf | 91-04 Lobbying and Judge |
| | 4/18/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 91_05_GiftsImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 91-05 Gifts, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 91_06_Solicitation.pdf | 91-06 Solicitation |
| | 11/27/2019 9:15 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 91_07_LobbyistsReporting_Withdrawn.pdf | 91-07 Lobbyists and Reporting Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 9:16 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 91_08_LobbyingProhibitedPractices_Withdrawn.pdf | 91-08 Lobbying Prohibited Practices Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:10 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 91_09_LobbyistsProhibitedPracticesImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 91-09 Lobbyists, Prohibited Practices, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:10 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 91_10_LobbyistsProhibitedPracticesSEI.pdf | 91-10 Lobbyists, Prohibited Practices, SEI |
| | 4/18/2017 12:11 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 91_11_GiftsMealsLodgingAndTravel.pdf | 91-11 Gifts, Meals, Lodging and Travel |
| | 4/18/2017 12:11 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 91-01_OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 91-01 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:12 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_01_GagLawAndUnionOfficer.pdf | 92- _0 _Gag Law And Union Officer |
| | 11/27/2019 9:18 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_02_PrincipalRegistration_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-02 Principal Registration Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 9:19 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_03_LobbyingAndElectedOfficialWithdrawn.pdf | 92-03 Lobbying and Elected Official Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:25 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_05_LobbyingAndElectedOfficalStocks.pdf | 92-05 Lobbying and Elected Offical Stocks |
| | 4/18/2017 12:25 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_06_LobbyingAndStateAgency.pdf | 92- 06 Lobbying and State Agency |
| | 4/18/2017 12:26 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_08_LocalCodeGiftsMealsTravelAndLodging.pdf | 92-08 Local Code - Gifts, Meals, Travel and Lodging |
| | 4/18/2017 12:29 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_09_LocalCodeStatePurposeUseOfOffice.pdf | 92-09 Local Code - State Purpose, Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:31 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_10_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 92-10 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 11/27/2019 10:37 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_11_JointLobbying_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-11 Joint Lobbying Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:33 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_12_DisqualificationLocalOfficals.pdf | 92-12 Disqualification - Local Officals |
| | 4/18/2017 12:33 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 92_13OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-13 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:33 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 92_14OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-14 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:41 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_15_UseOfStateResourcesImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 92-15 Use of State Resources, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:42 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_17_LocalCodeImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 92-17 Local Code - Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:43 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_18_LegislatorsOfficersDirectorsAndMembersOfOrganizatons.pdf | 92-18 LEGISLATORS; OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND MEMBERS OF ORGANIZATIONS |
| | 4/18/2017 12:43 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_19_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 92-19 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:43 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_20_LocalCodeDisqualificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 92-20 Local Code - Disqualification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:44 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_21_LobbyingProhibitedPractices.pdf | 92-21 Lobbying - Prohibited Practices |
| | 4/18/2017 12:44 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_22_LocalCodeDisqualificationConflictOfInterestImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 92_22_Local Code - Disqualification, Conflict of Interest, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:45 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_24_SolicitationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 92-24 Solicitation, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:45 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 92_25OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-25 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:45 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_26_LobbyingAndElectedOffical.pdf | 92-26 Lobbying and Elected Offical |
| | 4/18/2017 12:45 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 92_27OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-27 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:45 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_28_LocalCodeDisqualificationSolicitation.pdf | 92-28 _Local Code - Disqualification, Solicitation |
| | 11/27/2019 8:55 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 92_29_LobbyingPrincipalConduct_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-29 Lobbying and Principal Conduct Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:46 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 92_30OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-30 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 10/21/2020 1:30 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_31_LocalCodeInfluencingJudgment_MealsLodgingTravelEntertainement_Withdrawn.pdf | 92-31 Local Code Influencing Judgment; Meals, Lodging, Travel, & Entertainment Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:48 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 92_33_EmploymentConflictingWithOfficalDutiesDisqualification.pdf | 92-33 Employment Conflicting With Offical Duties Disqualification |
| | 11/2/2022 9:04 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 93_01_LobbyingandLobbyists_Revised.pdf | 93-01 Lobbying and Lobbyists - Revised |
| | 4/18/2017 12:48 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 93_02_GiftsMealsLodging.pdf | 93-02 Gifts, Meals, Lodging |
| | 9/26/2024 10:34 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 93_04_ImproperUseOfOffice InfluencingOfficalJudgmentLobbyist.pdf | 93-04 Improper Use of Office Influencing Official Judgment |
| | 4/18/2017 12:49 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 93_05_UseOfOfficeRepresentationOfClientsConflict.pdf | 93-05 Use of Office, Representation of Clients, Conflict |
| | 4/18/2017 12:54 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 93_07_StatementofEconomicInterests.pdf | 93-07 Statement of Economic Interests (SEI) |
| | 10/21/2020 1:30 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 93_08_LocalCodeMealsLodgingTravelEntertainmentWithdrawn.pdf | 93-08 Local Code Meals, Lodging, Travel, & Entertainment Withdrawn |
| | 10/21/2020 1:24 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Local Officials, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 93_11_GiftsImproperUseofOfficeWithdrawn.pdf | 93-11 Gifts; Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:54 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 93_3OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 93-3 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:54 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | 93_9OpELBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 93-9 OpELBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 94_01_SolicitationUseOfOfficeLobbyists.pdf | 94-01 Solicitation, Use of Office, Lobbyists |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_02_ConflictOfInterestUseOfOffice.pdf | 94-02 Conflict of Interest, Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 94_03_DisqualificationAndImproperUse.pdf | 94-03 Disqualification and Improper Use |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 94_03_DisqualificationLobbyistsUseOfOffice.pdf | 94-03 Disqualification, Lobbyists, Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_04_LocalCodeDisqualificationImproperUseOfOfficeConflictOfInterest.pdf | 94-04 Local Code - Disqualification, Improper Use of Office, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_05_LocalCodeDisqualificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 94-05 Local Code - Disqualification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_06_DisqaulificationConflictOfInterestImproperUse.pdf | 94-06 Disqaulification, Conflict of Interest, Improper Use |
| | 4/18/2017 12:55 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_06supplementLocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 94-06 supplement Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/18/2017 12:56 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_07_DisqualificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 94-07 Disqualification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:56 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 94_08_ImproperUseOfOfficeJudges.pdf | 94-08 Improper Use of Office, Judges |
| | 4/18/2017 12:56 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics, Lobbying | 94_09_LobbyistsImproperUseOfOfficeHonorarium.pdf | 94-09 Lobbyists, Improper Use of Office, Honorarium |
| | 6/3/2019 10:52 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 95_01_DisqualificationUseOfOffice.pdf | 95-01 Disqualification, Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:56 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 95_02_GiftsMealsAndLodgingDisqualificationUseOfOffice.pdf | 95-02 Gifts, Meals and Lodging - Disqualification - Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 12:56 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 95_03_DisqualificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 95-03 Disqualification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 1:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying, Ethics | 95_05_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 95-05 Improper Use of Office |
| | 10/21/2020 1:32 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 95_06_Disqualification_ImproperUseofOffice_Withdrawn.pdf | 95-06 Disqualification; Improper Use of Office Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 1:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 95_07_SolicitationInfluencingOfficalJudgment.pdf | 95-07 Solicitation, Influencing Offical Judgment |
| | 4/18/2017 1:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_01_ElectedOfficalAndPrincipal.pdf | 96-01 Elected Offical and Principal |
| | 4/18/2017 1:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_02_GiftsImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 96-02 Gifts, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 1:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_03_UseOfOfficeDisqualification.pdf | 96-03 Use of Office, Disqualification |
| | 4/18/2017 1:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_04_UseOfStateResourcesImproperUse.pdf | 96-04 Use of State Resources, Improper Use |
| | 11/27/2019 10:37 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_05_LobbyingAndCampaignActivity_Withdrawn.pdf | 96-05 Lobbying and Campaign Actitivity Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_06_LobbyingAndMembership.pdf | 96-06 Lobbying and Membership |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_07_LobbyingAndElectedOfficalsBusiness.pdf | 96-07 Lobbying and Elected Officals Business |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_07supplemental.pdf | 96-07 Supplemental |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_08_LobbyingAndOutOfStateTravel.pdf | 96-08 Lobbying and out-of-state Travel |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_09_LocalCodeDisqaulificationConflict.pdf | 96-09 Local Code - Disqaulification, Conflict96-08 Lobbying and out-of-state Travel |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_10_LocalCodeDisqaulificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 96-10 Local Code - Disqaulification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_11_ImproperUseOfOfficeStateResources.pdf | 96-11 Improper Use of Office, State Resources |
| | 4/18/2017 1:06 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_12_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 96-12 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_13_LocalCodeDisqaulificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 96-13 Local Code - Disqaulification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_14_StateAgencySolicitationsAndLobbying.pdf | 96-14 State Agency Solicitations and Lobbying |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_15_UseOfOfficeGiftsMealsAndLodging.pdf | 96-15 Use of Office, Gifts, Meals and Lodging |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 96_16_PostEmployment.pdf | 96-16 Post Employment |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 96_17_Registration.pdf | 96-17 Registration |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_01_DisqaulificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 97-01 Disqaulification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_02_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 97-02 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_03_GiftsMealsAndLodging.pdf | 97-03 Gifts, Meals and Lodging |
| | 4/18/2017 1:07 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_04_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 97-04 Improper Use of Office |
| | 11/27/2019 9:03 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_05_ReportingGrassRootsLobbying_Withdrawn.pdf | 97-05 Reporting and Grass Roots Lobbying |
| | 4/18/2017 1:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_06_LocalCodeDisqualification.pdf | 97-06 Local Code - Disqualification |
| | 11/27/2019 9:05 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_08_LobbyingElectedOfficials_Withdrawn.pdf | 97-08 Lobbying and Elected Officials Withdrawn |
| | 11/27/2019 9:08 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_09_LobbyistContributions_Withdrawn.pdf | 97-09 Lobbyist Contributions Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 1:15 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_11_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 97-11 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 1:16 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_12_LobbyingMealsLodgingTravelGifts.pdf | 97-12 Lobbying, Meals, Lodging, Travel, Gifts |
| | 4/18/2017 1:16 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_13_LobbyingGiftsAndElectedOfficals.pdf | 97-13 Lobbying, Gifts and Elected Officals |
| | 4/18/2017 1:16 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_14_EmploymentConflictingWithOfficalResponsibilites.pdf | 97-14 Employment Conflicting with Offical Responsibilites |
| | 4/18/2017 1:16 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_15_LocalCodeGifts.pdf | 97-15 Local Code - Gifts |
| | 11/27/2019 9:09 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_16_LobbyingElectedOfficialsGifts_Withdrawn.pdf | 97-16 Lobbying, Elected Officials, Gifts Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 1:16 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 97_17_PostEmployment.pdf | 97-17 Post Empolyment |
| | 1/29/2020 10:12 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_18_LobbyingAndConduit_Withdrawn.pdf | 97-18 Lobbying and Conduit Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 1:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_19_RegistrationAndReporting.pdf | 97-19 Registration and Reporting |
| | 4/18/2017 1:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_20_ElectedOfficalsAndLocalGovernment.pdf | 97-20 Elected Officals and Local Government |
| | 4/18/2017 1:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 97_21_PAC_LobbyistAndCampaignActivity.pdf | 97-21 Lobbyist, PAC and Campagin Activity |
| | 4/18/2017 1:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_01_LocalCodeDisqualificationConflictOfInterest.pdf | 98-01_Local Code - Disqualification, Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/18/2017 1:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 98_02_SolicitationAndStateAgency.pdf | 98-02 Solicitation and State Agency |
| | 4/18/2017 1:18 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_04_LocalCodeConflictOfInterest.pdf | 98-04 Local Code - Conflict of Interest |
| | 4/18/2017 1:18 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 98_05_ImproperUseOfOfficeAndSolicitation.pdf | 98-05 Improper Use of Office and Solicitation |
| | 4/18/2017 1:18 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 98_07_LobbyingAndTickets.pdf | 98-07 Lobbying and Tickets |
| | 4/18/2017 1:18 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_08_ImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 98-08 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 1:26 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_09_ImproperUseofOffice.pdf | 98-09 Improper Use of Office |
| | 4/18/2017 2:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 98_10_ImproperUseOfOfficeGifts.pdf | 98-10 Improper Use of Office, Gifts |
| | 4/18/2017 2:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 98_11_OfficalsAndEmployment.pdf | 98-11 Officals and Employment |
| | 4/18/2017 2:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_14_DisqualificationImproperUseOfOffice.pdf | 98-14 Disqualification, Improper Use of Office |
| | 1/29/2020 10:12 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_15_GiftsMealsLodgingDrinksAndEntertainment.pdf | 98-15 Gifts, Meals, Lodging, Drinks and Entertainment |
| | 4/18/2017 2:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 98_16_LocalCodeJurisdictionOfCommission.pdf | 98-16 Local Code - Jurisdiction of Commission |
| | 4/18/2017 2:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Opinion | Campaign Finance | 98-01OpElBd_Withdrawn.pdf | 98-01 OpElBd Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 2:00 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 99_01_LocalCodeJurisdictionOfCommissionGifts.pdf | 99-01 Local Code - Jurisdiction of Commission, Gifts |
| | 11/27/2019 9:12 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 99_02_RegistrationAndReporting_Withdrawn.pdf | 99-02 Registration and Reporting Withdrawn |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 99_03_LocalCodeDisqualificationRecusal.pdf | 99-03 Local Code - Disqualification, Recusal |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 99_04_RegistrationReportingAndReimbursement.pdf | 99-04 Registration, Reporting and Reimbursement |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 99_05_RewardForOfficalAction.pdf | 99-05 Reward for Offical Action |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 99_06_OfficalsAndCompenstation.pdf | 99-06 Officals and Compenstation |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 99_07_RegistrationAndReportingUnion.pdf | 99-07 Registration and Reporting - Union |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 99_08_DisqualificationRecusal.pdf | 99-08 Disqualification, Recusal |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Independent Expenditure Committees, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 99_09_LobbyingOfficalsAndInvesments.pdf | 99-09 Lobbying, Officals and Invesments |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Opinion | Lobbying | 99_10_InvesmentClub.pdf | 99-10 Invesment Club |
| | 4/18/2017 2:01 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public, State Public Officials | Opinion | Ethics | 99_11_ImproperUseOfOfficeGifts.pdf | 99-11 Improper Use of Office, Gifts |
| | 11/10/2021 10:57 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Local Officials, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | Campaign Finance Filing Calendar 2019-2021.pdf | Campaign Finance Filing Calendar 2019-2021 |
| | 11/10/2021 10:57 AM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Local Officials, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | Campaign Finance Filing Calendar 2022-2024.pdf | Campaign Finance Filing Calendar 2022-2024 |
| | 5/8/2024 12:45 PM | Jackson, Thomas - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | Campaign Finance Filing Calendar 2024-2026.pdf | Campaign Finance Filing Calendar 2024-2026 |
| | 1/9/2023 1:34 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Campaign Finance Law Update for Local Filing Officers 20221221 (Slides Only).pdf | 2023 Campaign Finance Law Update for Local Filing Officers (Slides Only) |
| | 10/2/2023 3:20 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Manual | Campaign Finance | Campaign Finance Overview - Local Candidate Committees.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Local Candidate Committees |
| | 10/1/2024 11:26 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Referendum Committees | Manual | Campaign Finance | Campaign Finance Overview - Referendum Committees.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Referendum Committees |
| | 9/21/2018 12:39 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance, Training | Campaign Finance Training Summer and Fall 2018.pdf | Campaign Finance Training Summer and Fall 2018 |
| | 8/3/2017 8:37 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, PACs, Political Parties, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication, Opinion | Campaign Finance, Ethics, Lobbying | CampaignFinanceOpinionsWithDisclaimer.xls | Campaign finance Opinions with Disclaimer |
| | 8/5/2024 2:59 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Candidate Overview Webinar 2024 Slides.pdf | Candidate Overview Webinar 2024 Slides |
| | 8/26/2019 11:05 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits | Manual | Campaign Finance | CF Overview - Conduits.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Conduits |
| | 8/26/2019 11:05 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Independent Expenditure Committees | Manual | Campaign Finance | CF Overview - IE Committees.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Independent Expenditure Committees |
| | 8/26/2019 11:06 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | PACs | Manual | Campaign Finance | CF Overview - PACs.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Political Action Committees |
| | 8/26/2019 11:06 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Legislative Campaign Committees, Political Parties | Manual | Campaign Finance | CF Overview - Party and LC Committees.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Party and Legislative Campaign Committees |
| | 2/26/2020 8:36 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Recall Committees | Manual | Campaign Finance | CF Overview - Recall Committees.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - Recall Committees |
| | 8/26/2019 11:07 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | CF Overview - State Candidate Committees.pdf | Campaign Finance Overview - State Candidate Committees |
| | 10/1/2024 11:25 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | | | | CF Overview Referendum Committees September 2024.pdf | |
| | 9/11/2023 3:48 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Local Officials, PACs, Political Parties, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-1 Registration Statement Fillable.pdf | CF-1 Registration Statement |
| | 10/28/2019 12:58 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, PACs, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-13 Termination Request.pdf | CF-13 Termination Request |
| | 3/18/2024 3:23 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-1L Local Candidate Registration Statement fillable.pdf | CF-1L Local Candidate Registration Statement |
| | 10/2/2023 4:08 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-2L Local Campaign Finance Report.pdf | CF-2L Local Campaign Finance Report |
| | 8/7/2024 2:32 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-2LE Electronic Local Campaign Finance Report.xlsx | CF-2LE Electronic Local Campaign Finance Report |
| | 1/6/2023 9:27 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-2NA_Statement_of_No_Activity.pdf | CF-2NA: Statement of No Activity (Postcard Report) |
| | 1/5/2018 8:40 AM | Divine, David J - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Form | Campaign Finance | CF-30_Notice_of_Violation_Error_or_Discrepancy.pdf | CF-30: Notice of Violation Error or Discrepancy |
| | 11/2/2017 12:08 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | CFExemptionMemoToFilingOfficers.pdf | Campaign Finance Exemption Memo to Filing Officers |
| | 3/8/2018 9:01 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | CFIS-ManualAmendingAReport.pdf | CFIS Manual - Amending A Report |
| | 3/8/2018 9:01 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | CFIS-ManualFileNoActivityReport.pdf | CFIS Manual - File No Activity Report |
| | 3/8/2018 9:02 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | CFIS-PasswordReset.pdf | CFIS Manual - Resetting & Changing a Password |
| | 7/10/2020 9:27 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Legislative Campaign Committees, PACs, Political Parties, State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | CFISReportingWebinarJuly2020.mp4 | CFIS Reporting Webinar July 2020 |
| | 7/10/2020 9:24 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, PACs, Political Parties, State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance, Training | CFISReportingWebinarPowerPointJuly2020.pdf | CFIS Reporting Webinar PowerPoint July 2020 |
| | 3/8/2018 9:02 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | CFIS-TerminatingCommittee.pdf | CFIS Manual - Terminating a Committee |
| | 4/25/2019 2:37 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Manual | Campaign Finance | CFIS-UsersGuide.pdf | CFIS - User's Guide |
| | 2/24/2022 3:48 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Clerks Webinar Local Campaign Finance Update 20220224.pdf | Clerks Webinar Local Campaign Finance Update February 2022 |
| | 11/26/2019 12:16 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Compiling Candidate Packets PowerPoint.pdf | Compiling Candidate Packets PowerPoint |
| | 11/26/2019 12:42 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Compiling Candidate Packets.mp4 | Compiling Candidate Packets |
| | 7/17/2020 8:39 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | DOA Capital Finance 20200717.xlsx | DOA Capital Finance 20200717 |
| | 11/28/2022 12:34 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Campaign Finance | DRAFT Guideline 1302 - Exempt Status- State Candidates.pdf | Draft Exempt Status Guideline- State Candidates |
| | 11/28/2022 12:57 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Communication | Campaign Finance | DRAFT Guideline 1303 - Exempt Status- Local Candidates.pdf | Draft Exempt Status Guideline - Local Candidates |
| | 6/30/2017 1:30 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Political Parties, State Public Officials | Manual | Lobbying | EOLFOCUS2017.pdf | Subscribe to FOCUS |
| | 3/22/2021 9:37 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Manual | Lobbying | EOLSLAEs2017.pdf | SLAE Quick Guide |
| | 5/26/2020 12:28 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Amend_Amended_Notice_of_Hearing.pdf | ETH 1 Amend - Amended Notice of Hearing |
| | 5/26/2020 12:09 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Amend_Draft_Rule.pdf | ETH 1 Amend - Draft Rule |
| | 5/26/2020 12:26 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Amend_Fiscal_Estimate_and_Economic_Impact_Analysis.pdf | ETH 1 Amend - Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis |
| | 5/26/2020 12:29 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Amend_Notice_of_Submittal_to_Legislative_Council_Rules_Clearinghouse.pdf | ETH 1 Amend - Notice of Submittal to Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse |
| | 4/10/2019 10:14 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Repeal_Draft_Rulemaking_Order.pdf | ETH 1 Repeal - Draft Rulemaking Order |
| | 4/10/2019 10:13 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Repeal_Fiscal_Estimate_and_Economic_Impact_Analysis.pdf | ETH 1 Repeal - Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis |
| | 4/10/2019 10:14 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Repeal_Notice_of_Hearing.pdf | ETH 1 Repeal - Notice of Hearing |
| | 4/10/2019 10:10 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | ETH_1_Repeal_Notice_of_Submittal_to_Legislative_Council.pdf | ETH 1 Repeal - Notice of Submittal to Legislative Council |
| | 10/11/2019 10:19 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | ETH_16_Draft_Rulemaking_Order.pdf | ETH 16 - Draft Rulemaking Order |
| | 10/11/2019 10:20 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | ETH_16_Fiscal_Estimate_and_Economic_Impact_Analysis.pdf | ETH 16 - Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis |
| | 10/11/2019 10:20 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | ETH_16_Notice_of_Hearing.pdf | ETH 16 - Notice of Hearing |
| | 10/11/2019 10:20 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Lobbying | ETH_16_Notice_of_Submittal_to_Legislative_Council.pdf | ETH 16 - Notice of Submittal to Legislative Council |
| | 11/24/2023 3:37 PM | Maberry, Coleman - ETHICS (Cole) | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Form | Ethics, SEIs | ETH-1 Instructions 2024.pdf | ETH-1 Instructions 2024 |
| | 12/26/2023 10:27 AM | Maberry, Coleman - ETHICS (Cole) | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Form | Ethics, SEIs | ETH-1 Statement of Economic Interests 2024 Fillable.pdf | ETH-1 Statement of Economic Interests 2024 Fillable |
| | 8/28/2023 9:51 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public | Form | Agency Information | ETH-10 Complaint Form 20230801 fillable.pdf | ETH-10 Complaint Form (fillable) |
| | 8/28/2023 9:56 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Form | | ETH-10 Complaint Form 20230801.pdf | ETH-10 Complaint Form |
| | 8/21/2019 12:58 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | ETH-1211.pdf | ETH-1211 Receipt of Items and Services |
| | 12/8/2020 2:34 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | ETH-1223.pdf | ETH-1223 Expenses and Compensation for Talks or Meetings |
| | 8/21/2019 1:07 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | ETH-1231.pdf | ETH-1231 Solicitations |
| | 8/21/2019 1:20 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | ETH-1232.pdf | ETH-1232 Mitigating Conflicting Interests |
| | 8/21/2019 1:21 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Guideline | Campaign Finance, Lobbying | ETH-1250.pdf | ETH-1250 Contributions and Activities by Lobbyists and Lobbying Principals |
| | 8/21/2019 1:22 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Guideline | Campaign Finance, Ethics | ETH-1251.pdf | ETH-1251 50 Piece Rule |
| | 8/21/2019 1:23 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics | ETH-1253.pdf | ETH-1253 Social Media Use by Officials |
| | 8/21/2019 1:26 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Local Officials, State Public Officials | Guideline | Ethics, Lobbying | ETH-1270.pdf | ETH-1270 Seeking Private Employment |
| | 12/14/2022 8:07 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Guideline | Campaign Finance | ETH-1301 Attribution Statements rev 20221213.pdf | ETH-1301 Attribution Statements rev 20221213 |
| | 12/14/2022 8:10 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, State Candidates | Guideline | Campaign Finance | ETH-1302 Campaign Finance Report Filing Exemption - State 20221213.pdf | ETH-1302 Campaign Finance Report Filing Exemption - State |
| | 12/14/2022 8:11 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates | Guideline | Campaign Finance | ETH-1303 Campaign Finance Report Filing Exemption - Local 20221213.pdf | ETH-1303 Campaign Finance Report Filing Exemption - Local |
| | 9/6/2023 9:11 AM | Maberry, Coleman - ETHICS (Cole) | General Public, Officials Required to File | Guideline | SEIs | ETH-1402.pdf | ETH-1402 Officials Required to File an SEI |
| | 12/10/2018 6:44 PM | Harvell, Adam - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Form | SEIs | ETH-1AStatementofSpousalNon-Disclosure.pdf | ETH-1A Statement of Spousal Non-Disclosure |
| | 10/16/2017 4:13 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Form | Ethics, SEIs | ETH-2RequestsToExamineSEIs.pdf | ETH-2 Request to Examine SEIs |
| | 1/31/2019 12:33 PM | Harvell, Adam - ETHICS | General Public, Officials Required to File, State Public Officials | Form | Ethics, SEIs | ETH-3 Notice of Interest in Contract Fillable.pdf | ETH-3 Notice of Interest in Contract |
| | 10/11/2019 10:10 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Conduits | Form | Campaign Finance | ETHCF-10aConduitNoActivity.pdf | ETHCF-10a Conduit (no-activity) |
| | 4/18/2017 2:05 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Form | Campaign Finance | ETHCF-2SU.xlsx | ETHCF-2SU |
| | 11/21/2017 2:52 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Ethics, Lobbying, SEIs | EthicsCommissionComplaintProcedures.pdf | Ethics Commission Complaint Procedures |
| | 4/18/2017 2:20 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication, Opinion | Agency Information | EthicsCommissionPolicy-DelegationOfAuthorityForInformalAdvisoryOpinions.pdf | Ethics Commission Policy- Delegation Of Authority For Informal Advisory Opinions |
| | 1/24/2018 12:58 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Ethics, Lobbying, SEIs, Training | EthicsDevelopmentIntern.pdf | Ethics Development Intern |
| | 9/6/2023 9:04 AM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | State Candidates | Checklist | Campaign Finance | ETIS-10 Campaign Finance Checklist-District Attorney and Legislative for 2024 (Rev .2023-9).pdf | ETIS-10 Campaign Finance Checklist-District Attorney and Legislative for 2024 (Rev .2023-9) |
| | 10/2/2023 1:39 PM | Maberry, Coleman - ETHICS (Cole) | Local Candidates, Local Officials | Checklist | Campaign Finance | ETIS-17 Campaign Finance Checklist-County Partisan for 2024(Rev. 2023-09).pdf | ETIS-17 Campaign Finance Checklist-County Partisan for 2024(Rev. 2023-09) |
| | 8/10/2023 11:57 AM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Checklist | Campaign Finance | ETIS-19 Campaign Finance Checklist-Multi-juris municipal judge for 2024 (Rev. 2023-7).pdf | ETIS-19 Campaign Finance Checklist-Multi-juris municipal judge for 2024 (Rev. 2023-7) |
| | 8/10/2023 11:52 AM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, State Candidates | Checklist | Campaign Finance | ETIS-2 Campaign Finance Checklist-Judicial Offices for 2024 (Rev.2023-7).pdf | ETIS-2 Campaign Finance Checklist-Judicial Offices for 2024 (Rev.2023-7) |
| | 8/10/2023 12:01 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Checklist | Campaign Finance | ETIS-4 Campaign Finance Checklist-County Nonpartison Offices for 2024 (Rev. 2023-7).pdf | ETIS-4 Campaign Finance Checklist-County Nonpartison Offices for 2024 (Rev. 2023-7) |
| | 8/10/2023 12:00 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Checklist | Campaign Finance | ETIS-8 Campaign Finance Checklist-Municipal and School District for 2024 (Rev. 2023-7).pdf | ETIS-8 Campaign Finance Checklist-Municipal and School District for 2024 (Rev. 2023-7) |
| | 4/18/2017 2:20 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Form | Campaign Finance | ExpensesUploadTemplateJul-2016.xls | Expenses Upload Template Jul-2016 |
| | 4/18/2017 2:13 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Agency Information | FactSheet_Ethics.pdf | FactSheet_Ethics |
| | 8/19/2021 4:06 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Campaign Finance | Fall 2021 Notice of Upcoming Audits.pdf | Fall 2021 Notice of Upcoming Audits |
| | 3/31/2020 1:15 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance | FallCandidateInfoCountyClerks.mp4 | Fall Candidate Information for County Clerks |
| | 3/31/2020 1:16 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance | FallCandidateInfoCountyClerksPowerPoint.pdf | Fall Candidate Information for County Clerks |
| | 4/18/2017 2:20 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Ethics, Lobbying, SEIs | FlowchartComplaintProcess.pdf | Flowchart Complaint Process |
| | 10/27/2023 9:54 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Local Candidates, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Guideline | Campaign Finance | Guideline ETH 1304.pdf | ETH-1304 Acceptance and Reporting of Anonymous Contributions |
| | 11/13/2020 2:01 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Guideline | Agency Information | Guideline Policy 20201013.pdf | _Guideline Policy 20201013 |
| | 4/18/2017 2:21 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | LautenschlagerResignation20170407.pdf | Lautenschlager Resignation 20170407 |
| | 12/12/2017 9:00 AM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | LetterFromTheEthicsCommissionToTheAttorneyGeneral_20171212.pdf | Letter from the Ethics Commission to the Attorney General_20171212 |
| | 11/26/2019 12:15 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Lifecycle of a Candidate Committee PowerPoint.pdf | Lifecycle of a Candidate Committee PowerPoint |
| | 11/26/2019 12:41 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Lifecycle of a Candidate Committee.mp4 | Lifecycle of a Candidate Committee |
| | 4/1/2020 12:39 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | LifecycleStateCandidateCommittee.mp4 | Lifecycle of a State Candidate Committee |
| | 4/1/2020 1:19 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | LifecycleStateCandidateCommitteePowerPoint.pdf | Lifecycle of a State Candidate Committee PowerPoint |
| | 12/22/2022 3:29 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying, Training | Lobbying Overview and Best Practices Recorded Webinar 4.1.2019.mp4 | Lobbying Overview and Best Practices Recorded Webinar 4.1.2019 |
| | 7/19/2022 3:34 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Manual | Lobbying | Lobbying Users Guide 07192022.pdf | Lobbying Website User's Guide 2022 |
| | 7/25/2019 9:42 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying, Training | LobbyingBestPracticesandOverview.pdf | Wisconsin Lobbying Law: Best Practices & Overview |
| | 7/25/2022 4:10 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying, Training | Lobbyist Time Reporting Tutorial.mp4 | Lobbyist Time Reporting Tutorial |
| | 10/4/2022 1:16 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Lobbying | LobbyistWindowReopeningforLegCandidatesOct2022.pdf | Lobbyist Contribution Window Reopen for Legislative Candidates October 2022 |
| | 11/26/2019 2:50 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Local Campaign Finance Reporting Requirements PowerPoint.pdf | Local Campaign Finance Reporting Requirements PowerPoint |
| | 1/29/2020 10:11 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Local Campaign Finance Reporting Requirements.mp4 | Local Campaign Finance Reporting Requirements |
| | 11/26/2019 12:15 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Local Candidate Duties and Prohibitions PowerPoint.pdf | Local Candidate Duties and Prohibitions PowerPoint |
| | 11/26/2019 12:42 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Local Candidate Duties and Prohibitions.mp4 | Local Candidate Duties and Prohibitions |
| | 3/4/2022 9:15 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Presentation | Training | Local Filing Officer Update-20220224_140202-Meeting Recording.mp4 | 2022 Spring Local Filing Officer Update |
| | 1/5/2022 11:45 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance | Memorandum to Filing Officers 01052022.pdf | Memorandum to Filing Officers January 2022 |
| | 3/15/2024 1:51 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Other Persons, PACs | Communication | Agency Information | New 72-Hour Reporting Requirement Changes.docx.pdf | Legislative Changes to 72-Hour Reporting Requirement |
| | 12/7/2023 3:01 PM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance | New CFIS communication.docx.pdf | New Campaign Finance Website Background Information |
| | 5/20/2022 1:00 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying, Training | New Lobbying Website - Recorded Webinar 5.6.2022.mp4 | New Lobbying Website - Recorded Webinar 5.6.2022 |
| | 4/18/2017 2:21 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Officials Required to File, State Public Officials | Communication | Agency Information | NewEthicsWebsite_PressRelease.pdf | New Ethics Website Press Release |
| | 5/5/2022 11:06 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Communication | Agency Information | NOTICE New Lobbying Website and Website Maintenance May 6 through May 7.pdf | Website Maintenance Notice 20220506 through 20220507 |
| | 11/26/2019 12:30 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Notice of Campaign Finance Violation (CF-30) PowerPoint.pdf | Notice of Campaign Finance Violation (CF-30) PowerPoint |
| | 11/26/2019 1:25 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Filing Officers | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Notice of Campaign Finance Violation (CF-30).mp4 | Notice of Campaign Finance Violation (CF-30) |
| | 7/7/2017 12:33 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication, Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Notice of Hearing - ETH 21.pdf | Notice of Hearing - ETH 21 |
| | 7/7/2017 12:33 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication, Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Notice of Hearing - ETH 25.pdf | Notice of Hearing - ETH 25 |
| | 7/7/2017 12:32 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication, Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Notice of Hearing - ETH 26.pdf | Notice of Hearing - ETH 26 |
| | 7/7/2017 12:32 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication, Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Notice of Hearing - ETH 6.pdf | Notice of Hearing - ETH 6 |
| | 3/25/2020 1:23 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | Independent Expenditure Committees, Other Persons, PACs | Communication | Campaign Finance | Notice_Regarding_72_Hour_Report_Filings.pdf | Notice Regarding 72 Hour Report Filings |
| | 3/24/2020 4:11 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | Notice_Regarding_Emergency_Order_12.pdf | Notice Regarding Emergency Order 12 |
| | 6/19/2020 10:15 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbyists, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Lobbying | NoticeofAdoption_2020 RA 04.pdf | Notice of Adoption 2020 RA 04 |
| | 10/4/2022 9:57 AM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Lobbyists, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Communication | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Lobbying | October2022LobbyistContributionWindowLegClosureforSpecialSession-Corrected.pdf | October 2022 Lobbyist Contribution Window Leg Closure for Special Session - Corrected |
| | 1/29/2020 10:09 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20190722.xlsx | Office of the Governor Contract Sunshine 20190722 |
| | 1/29/2020 10:07 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20200116.xlsx | Office of the Governor Contract Sunshine 20200116 |
| | 4/27/2020 11:49 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20200427.xlsx | Office of the Governor 20200427 |
| | 5/26/2020 1:54 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20200526.xlsx | Office of the Governor 20200526 |
| | 7/29/2020 2:52 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20200729.xlsx | Office of the Governor 20200729 |
| | 8/3/2020 11:50 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20200803.xlsx | Office of the Governor 20200803 |
| | 9/7/2020 4:47 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor 20200904.xlsx | Office of the Governor 20200904 |
| | 3/16/2020 9:02 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Ethics | Office of the Governor Reporting 20200313.xlsx | Office of the Governor Reporting 20200313 |
| | 9/10/2020 8:22 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Materials 20200910.pdf | Open Session Materials 20200910 |
| | 10/5/2020 11:14 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Materials 20201013.pdf | October 13, 2020 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 9/30/2021 11:51 AM | Sivaji, Sathya - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Materials 20211007 FINAL.pdf | October 07, 2021 Open Session Meeting Materials |
| | 5/10/2024 9:08 AM | Carlton, Daniel - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Materials 20240514.pdf | May 14, 2024 Open Session Materials |
| | 10/11/2019 10:17 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20170822.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20170822 |
| | 1/29/2020 10:02 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20180406.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20180406 |
| | 1/29/2020 10:02 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20190409.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20190409 |
| | 1/29/2020 10:03 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20190820.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20190820 |
| | 1/29/2020 10:03 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20191113.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20191113 |
| | 6/17/2020 9:31 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200225.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200225 |
| | 6/17/2020 9:32 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200310.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200310 |
| | 6/17/2020 9:32 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200420.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200420 |
| | 6/17/2020 9:33 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200508.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200508 |
| | 8/27/2020 10:50 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200616.pdf | |
| | 10/20/2020 1:54 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200818.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200818 |
| | 10/20/2020 1:55 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200903.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200903 |
| | 10/20/2020 1:55 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200910.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200910 |
| | 10/20/2020 1:56 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20200915.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200915 |
| | 12/28/2020 9:55 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20201013.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20201013 |
| | 5/11/2021 3:12 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20210511.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20210511 |
| | 10/7/2021 2:41 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Minutes 20210727.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20210727 |
| | 1/29/2020 10:04 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Open Session Supplemental 20190618.pdf | Open Session Supplemental 20190618 |
| | 2/26/2020 10:30 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | OpenSessionMinutes20191203.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20191203 |
| | 2/26/2020 10:30 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | OpenSessionMinutes20191219.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20191219 |
| | 2/26/2020 10:31 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | OpenSessionMinutes20200109.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20200109 |
| | 7/29/2021 1:49 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | OpenSessionMinutes20201208.pdf | Open Session Minutes 20201208 |
| | 6/28/2024 1:36 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, General Public, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties | Presentation | Campaign Finance | PAC, Party, IE, LCC, and Conduit Campaign Finance Overview 2024 Webinar Slides.pdf | PAC, Party, IE, LCC, and Conduit Campaign Finance Overview 2024 Webinar Slides |
| | 6/25/2020 3:24 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, PACs | Presentation | Campaign Finance, Training | PACIEConduitSlidesJune2020.pdf | PAC, IE and Conduit Webinar Slides June 2020 |
| | 6/25/2020 3:38 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, PACs | Presentation | Campaign Finance, Training | PACIEConduitWebinarJune2020.mp4 | PAC, IE and Conduit Webinar June 2020 |
| | 11/21/2017 2:53 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication, Report | Agency Information, Campaign Finance, Ethics, Lobbying, SEIs | PotentialLegislationEthicsCommission.pdf | Potential Legislation - Ethics_Commission |
| | 9/8/2017 12:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | PressRelease_20170908_EthicsCommission.pdf | Press Release 20170908 Editorial Response |
| | 4/18/2017 2:22 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Filing Officers, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties, Recall Committees, Referendum Committees, State Candidates | Form | Campaign Finance | ReceiptsUploadTemplateJul-2016.xls | Receipts Upload Template Jul-2016 |
| | 6/28/2024 1:36 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, Other Persons, PACs, Political Parties | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Recorded Campaign Finance Overview 2024 Webinar - Parties, PACs, IECs, Legislative Campaign Committees, and Conduits.mp4 | Recorded Campaign Finance Overview 2024 Webinar - Parties, PACs, IECs, Legislative Campaign Committees, and Conduits |
| | 8/5/2024 3:22 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, State Candidates, State Public Officials | Presentation | Campaign Finance | Recorded Campaign Finance Overview for State Candidates Webinar July 2024.mp4 | Recorded Campaign Finance Overview for State Candidates Webinar July 2024 |
| | 1/22/2018 5:01 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | Report 180122_Redacted.pdf | 2017-ETH-023 Investigation Report (Redacted) |
| | 1/22/2018 5:01 PM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | Report Exhibits 180122_Redacted.pdf | 2017-ETH-023 Investigation Report Exhibits (Redacted) |
| | 4/18/2017 2:22 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists, State Public Officials | Manual | Lobbying | ReportingAgencyLegislativeLiaisonsUserManual2017.pdf | Reporting Agency Legislative Liaisons User Manual 2017 |
| | 1/21/2018 8:17 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Communication | Agency Information | ResponsesToQuestionsFromSenatorTiffany_20180121.pdf | Responses To Questions Fom Senator Tiffany_20180121 |
| | 4/19/2022 1:28 PM | Harvell, Adam - ETHICS | Filing Officers, General Public, Local Candidates, Local Officials, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Communication, Form, Manual | Ethics, SEIs | SEI Memo - Filers Leaving Office after April 17. 2022.pdf | SEI Memo - Filers Leaving Office after April 17. 2022 |
| | 1/9/2018 4:53 PM | Harvell, Adam - ETHICS | General Public, Local Officials, Officials Required to File, State Candidates, State Public Officials, SWIB Trustees and Employees | Manual | Ethics, SEIs | SEIDataEntryUserManual.pdf | SEIDataEntryUserManual |
| | 9/5/2023 1:55 PM | Bohringer, Richard - ETHICS | | | | spcommon.png | |
| | 3/31/2020 1:39 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateDutiesProhibitionsAuditing.mp4 | State Candidate Duties, Prohibitions, and Auditing |
| | 3/31/2020 1:34 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateDutiesProhibitionsAuditingPowerPoint.pdf | State Candidate Duties, Prohibitions and Auditing |
| | 3/31/2020 1:36 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateKeyTermsDefinitions.mp4 | State Candidate Key Terms and Definitions |
| | 6/10/2020 8:10 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateOverviewSlidesJune2020.pdf | State Candidate Overview PowerPoint June 2020 |
| | 4/1/2020 8:28 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateReporting.mp4 | State Candidate Reporting |
| | 3/31/2020 1:45 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateReportingPowerPoint.pdf | State Candidate Reporting PowerPoint |
| | 6/10/2020 10:07 AM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidatesOverviewWebinar.mp4 | State Candidates Overview Webinar |
| | 3/31/2020 1:34 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | State Candidates | Presentation | Campaign Finance | StateCandidateTermsDefinitionsPowerPoint.pdf | State Candidate Key Terms and Definitions |
| | 7/25/2022 4:12 PM | Broderick, Harry - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Presentation | Lobbying, Training | Statement of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures Filing Tutorial.mp4 | Statement of Lobbying Activities and Expenditures Filing Tutorial |
| | 6/15/2020 10:50 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Meeting Materials | Agency Information | Supplemental Open Session Materials 20200616.pdf | June 16, 2020 Open Session Supplemental |
| | 1/29/2020 10:04 AM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public, Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Meeting Materials, Report | Lobbying | Unauthorized Lobbying Audit Process Update.pdf | Unauthorized Lobbying Audit Process Update |
| | 1/12/2018 1:51 PM | Russell, Caroline M - ETHICS | Lobbying Principals, Lobbyists | Meeting Materials, Report | Lobbying | UnauthorizedLobbyingReport_20180111.pdf | Unauthorized Lobbying Report |
| | 6/29/2022 1:37 PM | Reinke, Colette - ETHICS | Conduits, Independent Expenditure Committees, Legislative Campaign Committees, PACs, Political Parties | Presentation | Campaign Finance | WI Ethics Commission - PAC_IE_Conduit Recorded Webinar June 2022.mp4 | PAC, IE, Party, Conduit Recorded Webinar June 2022 |
| | 10/18/2021 12:43 PM | Harvell, Adam - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2020 Annual Report.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2020 Annual Report |
| | 10/18/2021 12:41 PM | Harvell, Adam - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2021 Annual Report.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2021 Annual Report |
| | 11/21/2017 2:52 PM | Bell, Brian M - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | Wisconsin EthicsCommission2017-19BudgetSubmissionRevFinal.pdf | Ethics Commission 2017-19 Agency Budget Request |
| | 10/14/2019 8:50 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | Wisconsin_Ethics_Commission_2018_Annual_Report.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2018 Annual Report |
| | 10/14/2019 8:49 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | Wisconsin_Ethics_Commission_2019_Annual_Report.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2019 Annual Report |
| | 1/24/2020 1:27 PM | Nischik, Julie E - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | WisconsinEthicsCommission2016AnnualReport.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2016 Annual Report |
| | 10/14/2019 8:48 AM | Buerger, David - ETHICS | General Public | Report | Agency Information | WisconsinEthicsCommission2017AnnualReport.pdf | Wisconsin Ethics Commission 2017 Annual Report |